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Baby Boy

No matter how careful we are in our breeding program, occasionally Mother Nature surprises us with what some see as imperfection in a puppy.
Meet Baby Boy, who couldn’t be more perfect, despite being born with a cleft palate and other issues. It was evident from the start that he was having trouble nursing, but he was also a fighter who wanted to survive. Because he was so determined to stay alive, he underwent two surgeries for his palate, and he never looked back after the operations.

From the time Baby Boy was born, his big “brother” Danny, took to him instantly. Danny helps clean his little buddy after a feeding.
The two were inseperable, with Baby Boy
always looking up to his mentor. It was a
brotherhood that lasted a lifetime.


Baby Boy tries out his play-moves on mother, Krista.


Gotta keep up with big brother Danny.

Baby Boy learned well from Danny, and was always ready to help take care of the puppies.

As you can see, Baby Boy lived his life as an equal member of the pack here at Centennial Ranch.

Baby Boy's life is a testament to the old saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover."
What may not appear perfect or normal on the outside, can be seen in a whole new light by looking from a different angle.
Baby Boy was full of love and joy, and enriched all of our lives by just being himself.

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